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Jenkin Chim exec photo
Vance Mak exec photo
Alice Bai exec photo
Louis Wong exec photo
Natalie Kwok exec photo
Eloise Fan exec photo



Delegates, Chairs, Directors and Esteemed Guests,


It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to the fourth edition of CDNISMUN. Since the beginning, we have always envisioned a conference that would respond to the demands for a high-level simulation of the United Nations. This year, we intend to do so and uphold this rigorous standard we set for ourselves year after year.


We are however, much more than a team of young people hoping to bring together other young people. In a world that contains volatile diplomatic relations, conflicts on the verge of eruption and divided political opinions, we recognise the need for a courageous set of young people that are willing to improve and mediate these situations.


At CDNISMUN, we believe the MUN experience is more than a fashionable affair or purely competitive event. If anything, we believe the MUN experience should resonate with everyone even after the conference. We hope it creates a signal and incentive - to meaningfully understand and care about issues of all levels of importance. At CDNISMUN, we strive to provide an environment that instills in participants the very skill set and beliefs that can accomplish this goal.


This year, I am fortunate to work with an experienced, resilient and synergetic group of young people. Together we aim to make every aspect of the conference experience as easy, efficient, and seamless as possible for all participants.


I hope to have you with us here in Hong Kong, prepared and eager to engage in three days of fiery debate!




Hello, ***** here. It’s my honour to be your Deputy Secretary General at CDNISMUN 2018. I have had 4 years of MUN experience and represented a multitude of countries, from a small island nation called Tuvalu to a P5 superpower called the United Kingdom. I believe getting to embody such a variety of perspectives gave me a valuable insight into an understanding of MUN. That no matter how tough the going gets, even if every single other delegate is against you, even if you’re the smallest country no one’s heard of, a delegate has the responsibility to uphold their countries stance to the best of their abilities. This has taught me to both be a better debater and a better person, allowing me to learn how to change the lens for which I view a situation and to respond to a challenge, whether it be within or out of a MUN conference. This is my hope for all CDNISMUN participants, that they are able to see what I saw in MUN and enjoy it as much as I have. So ready your outfits, raise your placards, and let the debate begin!




Hi, my name is ***** and I am currently a Grade 10 student at CDNIS. I am incredibly honoured to be serving as your Deputy Secretary General this year for CDNISMUN IV. I have been participating in MUN for the past 3 years, and what started as an interesting side hobby slowly became a passion of mine and a large part of who I am today.    Believe me when I say that MUN is not just about teenagers in fancy clothes, waving placards and using verbose terms: MUN is a genuinely rewarding opportunity for immense growth, not only as a debater and public speaker, but also as an individual instilled with the values of open-mindedness, commitment, and resilience. It was something that I was told a million and one times when starting out, as I am sure you were too, but I never truly understood until I experienced it firsthand. There’s something truly exhilarating about standing at the podium after a successful speech, watching all your hard preparation pay off and realising how far you’ve come since your first stuttering conference.    So to all delegates, whether it’s your first conference or your hundredth: speak boldly, listen sincerely, and happy MUNing!




I am honoured to serve as the executive advisor to the CDNISMUN exec team. My 5 years of experience as a delegate has lent me the ability to understand the workings of large scale conference operations. 


In recalling my first encounter with MUN, I was standing stark, dead centre in a room full of intellectuals; unable to speak. I was bombarded by POI after POI until my supervisor relented and gave mercy. The 6 years I spent in MUN have not just been devoted to speechwriting and superficial research; they have been devoted to ensuring that I would never be speechless again. An MUN delegate always has the upper hand, and always prevails in pressured examination. 


Of course, that is not what MUN is about – it is simply what I made of it. By examining intricate global issues, I had a platform to develop my command of public speaking. Along the way, I also developed a passion for geography, business relations, and global politics. It is with immense gratitude that I am finally giving back to the wider MUN community. 


May each and every one of you make something of this conference. 




Hi, I’m ***** and I am one of your conference coordinators for CDNISMUN IV. I am currently a Grade 12 student at CDNIS, and have previously participated in MUN events. As one of your conference coordinators, I will be managing the logistics of the conference alongside Eloise to ensure that your experience at CDNISMUN is a pleasurable one. We will be in charge of organising online resources, arranging accommodation, and transportation to ensure that your time with us will be enjoyable.


I am very honoured to be part of the CDNISMUN IV Executive Team and am looking forward to seeing you all in September! I hope this conference will be a stimulating event where all participants can have fun and develop their debate skills. See you soon!




Hello, I'm ***** and I am currently in Grade 12. I have previously attended CDNISMUN conferences as a member of the Media Team, and am excited to come on board this year as Conference Coordinator for CDNISMUN 2018. Working with *****, I will be in charge of organising food, accommodation, transportation and other logistics of this conference.


We aim to ensure your experience at CDNISMUN is a comfortable and welcoming one one, filled with fruitful debate. While MUN can be a challenging undertaking at times, our goal is to have all delegates, both old and new, grow as a result of this conference. Looking forward to seeing you in September!






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